| - I know Whole Foods has that reputation, but I like to spread my grocery dollar around to various places, and there are some things I really love about Whole Foods. First, it's my go to place for my addiction item, fresh-squeezed O.J. I often pick up just that on a trip there. But I also like their prepared deli foods (Spanakopita, salads,) the salad bars, and the bakery. None of these are particularly expensive, except the O.J. They also have a great selection of cheeses, and featured types with samples can be had for around $5.00. For the $7-10.00 you were going to spend at McDonald's, you can make yourself a very nice, healthier lunch here for the same $$. My favorite $5.00 lunch special is a nice chunk of Spinach Pie from the deli, and an iced tea. Many of the 365 organics cost no more than similar items in other stores. The meat and seafood department also has specials on such items as sockeye salmon or uncured (I trust that doesn't mean still sick!) bacon. Then there's that olive bar. Nom, nom! And the Whole Foods equivalent of three-buck Chuck, which I've found to be tasty.. The staff at this store are very friendly and helpful, especially the checkout folks. I don't do my big shopping here, You just need to be a bit of a sleuth to find the good values.