Do not live here if you want a fair deal. I pay $1600 a month and I can't even have more than two visitors PER MONTH or they have to pay to park in the parking deck! There is always tons of space in the deck, so it's not like they are hurting for the spaces. NONE of the other apartments/condos in uptown have a rule like this. I'd love to know why I pay so much and my visitors can't even park here for free. Just ridiculous. Yet they open their parking deck on Panthers game days so they can make money and clog up the deck for all of the residents. But we can't have more than two visitors per month...
Also, the walls are very thin, the amenities have big downfalls, and they don't have rules for things that actually matter, such as pets pottying outside the building, not throwing trash down the chute in the wee hours of the morning, and keeping people from giving out building/elevator codes to delivery people.
It seems like all the Catalyst is worried about is making money off residents and their visitors! The parking situation for visitors needs to change, and other ground rules need to be established!