I get blood work done every 3-6 months and this is where I go. In order to have a reasonable experience here you need to make an appointment online and check in 15 minutes prior. Even then, at times they won't see you until ~15 minutes after your appointment time if they are busy. Such is life in this government-and-insurance-bureaucracy-run medical system. While getting blood drawn, about 1 out of every 8 times I come close to "blacking out" (because I'm a wimp). When I politely tell the phlebotomist about this before they draw, some get an attitude and huff and say something like "don't be fogging up MY windows!" And no, they aren't trying to be funny. I guess some of these "professionals" have a short fuse and treat their work as seriously as the ladies at the DMV. Though when I get a good phlebotomist they are very good.