Overpriced with major attitude! The owner of this location took such advantage of two shipments from here to Montana. Each year I have to ship items for a business show in the far away town of Great Falls. I have shipped the same banners and a very large hat (Weird, I know) to the same place in Great Falls. Last year these two shipments cost $22 for the banners and $14 for the hat. They shipped ground. This year I was running late and had my husband drop these items off. First they repacked both items into MUCH larger boxes. Then due to time constraints sent them 2 day. Once box cost $163, the other box $135. REALLY? Now granted my husband could have called me and said "Is this necessary?" I would have told him to get our of that place FAST. But neither my dear husband, following my instructions, or the store owner thought that over $300 was a ridiculous cost. When I left Montana, I shipped the hat in it's original box back to AZ by Fed Ex for $12, arrived in 3 days. The banners cost $18 (in a new box) and also arrived by Fed Ex in 3 days. Needless to say, when I asked the UPS store owner today why he would think this seemed logical.
His response was simply, "this is what your husband told us to do." I think he is a greedy old guy who knows people in Carefree have money to burn so repackaging items into much larger boxes and charging them a fortune is what he's all about. So if you want to spend your money wisely, go anywhere else but stay away from this place.