American Apparel as a company is Zellers charging Holt Renfrew prices. While I admit to buying some of the clothing (the 50/50 tees are super soft), I realize that the $50 t-shirt I'm buying only cost 2 cents to make. If I buy anything I stick to basic t-shirts because some of these items of clothing are, simply put, retarded. I mean...Sheer wife beaters? Fluorescent colored tight jeans? Satin Charmeuse Night Jacket? American Apparel is the birth child of 'Flamboyant' and 'White Trash'.
I'm specifically reviewing this store because on top of American Apparel being ridiculous, the employees at this store are grade-A jackasses. I'm standing in line for over 10 minutes while a customer is making a return. There are zero customers in the store (besides me and the woman making the return) yet there are 6 employees in the store standing around with only one on cash. When I finally got to pay for my items the cashier tells me he's the only employee trained on cash. Not understanding the reasoning behind this I tell him that's bad organization on the manager's behalf (who he turned out to be), and buddy replies "Well it's not a perfect world". In this world there are starving Africans while American's are obese. Innocent people are sentenced to death while murderers walk free. I never knew that these injustices also included bad management at American Apparel. Jackass.