I tried both Nolan and Ilios/Hoche in the same week. I like the atmosphere at Nolan Kitchen, great patio seating area.
The wait staff was excellent and the overall service outstanding.
I asked for a recommendation on an entree unique to Nolan Kitchen and was told to dry the dry rubbed pork ribs, slow cooked for two days (they really said that). They were spectacular except for the side dip comprised of Greek cucumber sauce. The sauce was good but it did not belong with the pork ribs.
Vital Staistic: Terrible parking arrangement. The crowd appeared to be over 40 married or under 30 unknown status. The women out numbered the men 10-1 in the under 30 category. Good price/value relationship for the food and great spot for a single guy under thirty. Very convivial atmosphere.
But I will be back to support the over forty stats because it is a great place.