| - We weren't planning on coming here at all, but we got on a guest list so we decided we might as well come check it out. They told my friend he needed dress shoes (not a surprise as most Vegas clubs do) so we got a pair at Ross for like $30. When we came back at like 10:15, there's was already a pretty large "line" getting started so we got in what was told to be the guest list "line". The lines are just a mosh of people and is very unorganized. We were told the club would open at 10, but 10:30 they started letting people in; only people with table reservations. The thing that pissed us off is after them giving my friend a hard time for not having dress shoes earlier when we got on the guest list, they were letting people in wearing jeans, t-shirts, and trashy looking sneakers while my friend had on slacks, new shoes, and a dress shirt and that pissed us off. Then they didn't even let guest list people in but we got our way
*****do this if you want to get in fast. You don't even need to be on the guest list to do this*****
get in the guest list mob, and while you stand over there get the attention of one of the promoters standing by the line. Ask them if they can get you in faster and they will cut you a deal and pull you out of line and walk you right in. The deal will probably be $30 a guy and girls free, dont think it matters ratio as we werre 3 guys and 1 girl and had no troubles. We did this and we got walked right in without any troubles
Inside the club, it was pretty cool looking. Lots of cool lighting and decent older hip-hop/rap ,mixed with some newer stuff. The bar has a super short wait and drinks and made fast and pretty strong and prices aren't too bad at $14 for an AMF. The dance floor though, is tiny, and the tables for bottle service take up a lot of room. We ended up getting lucky and snagged a table right across from the bar. It didn't have seating as it was for standing at but it ended up working well as we shared it with a group of girls for putting our drinks on and danced near the table so nobody else would take the table, and the dance floor was crowded so it ends up being dance wherever you want. Overall, I felt majority of the crowd wasn't very good looking, and there were a lot of Guido wannabe type people there. Honestly, I saw 1 good looking girl (who I asked to dance and we talked for a little) and then a few decent looking girls. If I had more to drink, maybe I would have found so,e better looking girls. We ended up going upstairs to the outdoor part for a little which was a nice change and it was nice to get some fresh air. The bathrooms up there were nice and clean, which is a nice extra bonus. I had some chick spill her martini on my shoulder cause she was too drunk to walk and then tried bitching at me that I owed her a new drink which I found pretty funny. Maybe if you were better looking girl, it might have worked out better for you
We ended up leaving around 2am as we got pretty bored with the place. On the way out we thanked the promoter as he was still out there and he asked if we were leaving already which we told him we were and he asked why which I thought was kinda cool. We told him it wasn't as good as we thought and he gave us his number and said to hit him up next time we are in town and he would hook us up. Not sure if I would be back though as I didn't really care for the people in the club and the overall venue.
It is cool to say I have been there, but I would much rather go to marquee, especially cause it seems a lot more organized, has more room to dance, better looking people, and has more variety in music. Our original plan was to go to Tao or xs but we ended up at pure. It made a good end to our impromptu Vegas trip, but I won't go out of my way to come back