Beyond the fact that these people are scam artists I'll review my entire experience at this place in case the fact that they're handing out stock images isn't enough. Regardless of if you believe it's an honest mistake or not they obviously don't know how to do their job if they can "touch up" and print the same photo this many times without noticing.
It was very clear that the woman providing the ultrasound had absolutely no idea what she was doing. She was regularly scanning over my hip bone and kept shaking and (lightly) hitting my belly. The majority of the ultrasound was in 2d, once she finally flipped into 3d I was so disappointed, it was so blurry and difficult to see anything, she had to point everything out to me and I had to take her word for it on what I was seeing. She reassured me that the pictures would be clearer once printed, I was skeptical but who am I to question? I was asked to wait in the waiting room a few minutes, when she emerged she gave me 2 clear photos, I was so impressed that she was so capable of touching up these photos so well! Well turns out I have 2 of the stock photos. I would strictly give this place a bad review based just on the blurry ultrasound video, the fact that I know 5 women right now who got the wrong gender and that she handled my belly so roughly during the ultrasound.
I have since gone for another 3d ultrasound elsewhere and saw her take screenshots at the time of the ultrasound, those were the pictures I actually received, what I saw on the screen was what I got and when baby was in the wrong position I was asked to roll over, no one touched my belly without permission.