I had recently gone in, service was not fast or exactly slow, about moderate. I had a tough time making a decision due to the lack of pictures on the menu. So i went in blind only trusting to the descriptions given.
I ended up ordering the "tongue depressor" on a crepe. The order came after about 10 minutes. It looked very appetizing and appealing to the eye (no pics lol)
The size of it was hugs, about 16" in diameter i assume. Anyways i ate the thing and was full before i could finish the dish. I ate about 7/8 of the dish and left.
I felt very sick approxiamtely 30 mins after. Super dehydrated after drinking 3 glasses of water respectfully. On the bus home i got intense nausea and started sweating (like when you get drunk and are about to puke) i then jumped off the bus and entered a gas station where i tried to puke (unsuccessful)
I ended up buying a powerade and it helped slightly. I have very little appetitie and have nauseous phases when i think about chocolate now. Its about 10 pm and i went at 4 pm. Still feeling fuarked.
I cannot totally blame the place, maybe my fault for eating alot of it. Do not attenpt the tongue depressor on your own if you want to survive.
Tasted good though.