This was an interesting experience! Being that we have just begun our vegan journey. This was day 4 or 5 hard to remember being that all I had was meat on mind, but to my surprise blaze has a pretty vegan/vegetarian menu! My wife ordered me my own pie w vegan cheese and spinach, waaaay different from my usual pepperoni and oh so delicious dairy cheese Mmmm... anyway this was a first and I must say not so bad tasting experience. Around the 3 and 4th slice I could taste the difference which kinda threw me off a little but surprisingly satisfying.
My wife ordered the veg out pie and the kids had the same as me w some squash, quinoa and Caesar salad. My wife did not like the squash salad but the kids enjoyed there pizza and polished off there salad, over all the experience was really nice! We felt excepted with such an extreme diet knowing that restaurants are catering to us keep up the great work blaze!