On inspection of the car wash after I left the property I noticed some residue on the top, hood and trunk. I returned to the location and asked the check in attendant if he thought the car wash result were up to their standards. His response was to get a bottle of something and a rag and try to improve the results. It was obvious that the residue was soap that had dried because the entry from the first soap application and the entry to the tunnel was for some reason delayed. I asked if it was possible to re-wash the car and he went on a long spiel on how the car needed clay and detailing.
I left, went to a spray wand wash down the street and it was like a miracle...no clay, no detailing just washed the soap dried residue off and the car looked like it should after drying.
I have no idea why a re-wash wasn't done at the business, I do know I won't return to get a bad car wash, deal with an incompetent attendant.