Look up anything in the store online and it will be much cheaper. Most overpriced store in existence. The workers hover around you and won't leave you alone. The company is run by hipsters and it shows. All the employees are hipsters, and the prices are outrageous because they think because it's "retro" it's worth more. It didn't used to be like this. I remember going and getting older retro games for like $1-$2 a piece and the most popular retro games cost no more than $20. Now....FORGET IT. The cheapest, worst games they have are $5 and the aforementioned popular games are now like $50! Used Blu-ray movies cost the same as brand new ones, it's laughable.
Every time I have had an issue with an item they have given me a hasstle when returning the item also. I didn't even touch on the trade in prices. Oh boy....worse than Gamestop. In short to sum all this up, they are a total ripoff and will no longer give them my business. If you want to pay outrageous prices and support this BS go right ahead.