This show was alright. Maybe I was expecting too much, but it was slightly boring as for the tricks. The story line was cute and Xavier seems very humorous and friendly, but the show was not impressive. I think this is more of a show for kids. For most of the tricks, you could see how he was doing it. He uses lights and a projector for a good amount of the show as well which was not what I expected from a magic show. You could also see him pulling and putting things in and out of his jacket from certain angles. If you're not into music and people dancing all the time in a show, this one is not for you.. a lot of the time I kept catching myself confused as to why they would put a certain part into the show lol. There was a couple cool tricks, but nothing fascinating. The seating is also terrible in a very small venue which is why I rated down an extra star, leaving this review at two stars. It was about 40 minutes or so, and I don't think it was worth the price, even after getting a discount.