| - I hate going to Walmart in general, but this one is the most annoying Walmart ever!!!!! It's always crowded, no matter what day of the week it is.The only time its not is after 10 or 11 pm.Then you have employees stocking shelves with huge pallets in your way.They sometimes even block off whole isles with them so you cant even go down the aisle.Also the employees glare at you if you dare try to manuver around the road blocks.Sorry dont be open 24 hours if you hate when people shop late.Also, during the day, the clientele consists of old people who never get out of your way, morbidly obese moms with thier screaming brats who block the whole aisle with thier girth.Families consisting of 25 mexicans all shopping together.Forget about a quick trip in here, its like shopping among zombies who walk slow, and are always in the way.They dont even have hand held shopping baskets for use if you on
y need a few items.Its like they want to trap you in the store, by making you push a damn cart which takes longer and is annoying.After all that, you have the option to either wait in a huge line to check out, since they only ever have 1 checkout line open, or you can help greedy walmart by scanning and bagging your own items so god forbid, they wont have to pay a cashier 7.90 an hr to do it.Ugg and forget about the pharmacy, always a line pf oldies, taking forever asking pharmacist stupid questions, or theyll just try and cut you in line, since theyre soooooo important and entitled.If you ever want to lose faith in humanity, please shop at thos Walmart.