It has taken me some serious time to heal and gather my thoughts to be able to write this review. In 2015 my partner became pregnant for the first time. Her being 39 she was aware of the risks and precautions that needed to take place. We both were extremely excited and couldn't wait. She decided to go with MomDoc because of the convenience of the location. I regret this daily still to this day. Being her first pregnancy she was concerned with every little thing. She had some spotting and was sent to a specialist. The specialist was not concerned and said everything looked OK. A week later she had a lot more bleeding and seen Dr. Deborah Rowen. Ultra sound was given and we were told fluid was a low. I remember having that problem with my youngest and being admitted to push IV fluids and placed on oxygen. So, I asked Dr. Rowen what could we do for this. Her response was nothing it's not that serious. Next day she felt no movement and again concerned went to see doctor. I was working so she was alone. Ultra sound shown no heart beat at 20 weeks. Dr. Rowen walked in and said " Well your baby is dead this happens". Of course she freaked out screaming and crying and called me. She drove to me frantic and needed to go to labor and delivery. She had to deliver our child as you would a normal 9 month pregnancy. The most traumatic, horrible situation ever. As you hear other babies screaming and crying you knew that your baby was not going home. I feel like something could of been done when she seen fluid was low. The doctor that delivered said baby appeared to be healthy by looking at heart and other things. This situation has forever changed us. Both of us couldn't work through this unfortunately. My advice is stay away especially from Dr. Rowen.