A complex is only as good as the ppl running it, Toscana Villas is ran by some of the most phony bull-headed individuals I've ever had the unpleasure of meeting. Worse yet they purchased a large portion of the apartment complexes in LV, NV that supposedly works with [sometimes] low-income and 2nd chance housing. They knowingly lie, cheat, steal and do so without once blinking an eye yet blame the tenant for their own actions.
They charge too much for the area and what you're actually getting b/c the models looks nothing like the actual units. Plus they'll randomly and for no reason stop collecting your rent, denying tenants the ability to continue to pay inorder to use it against you in court, claiming you never tried paying. They fine you for things you did yrs ago with other companies on expired leases, they randomly choose when to replace the carpet and when to "spruce" it up to look new and will charge the tenant if any previous stains come through. The list is endless! DO NOT MOVE HERE, YOU'LL REGRET IT WITHIN A MONTH.