i go 2 da red robbinz 4 me bday once every year n i like it cuz they treat me like a bday king when i shoe me baby face a round der!!! but dis year when i went der i got my special bday music song....OR SO I THOUGHT!!!! i heard dem sing da song 2 a lil girl in da next booth over.... DIS BDAY KING DOES NOT SHARE NO THRONE WITH NO LIL GIRL QUEEN AND NEITHER DOSE DIS KING SHARE DA BDAY MUSIC!!!! i will not return until dey make an original song just 4 me n song it 2 me n me 3 friends robby toby n bobby. BUT DA BURGURS R NICE N IN FLAVA TOWNE!!!! i got no complaints with red baskin robins unless dey choose not 2 listen 2 me demands.
4 stars in da nite sky. recommended (try da oyster special)!!!!