Don't waste your time, mediocre customer service! They will try to sell you what they want. I've been to so many other dealers that treat you one hundred times better. Sure...."bad credit,no credit, repo no problem"... as long as you have a fat down payment. The sales man kept on asking how much was I willing to put down... how much are you gonna put down? Over and over. They do not listen to your needs and wants. Since I didn't answer with a straight answer they didn't even want to show me inventory. The moment they felt push back on me not giving a hefty down payment, the sale man and manager showed no interest in me. I didn't think I had to give a large down payment... since I was going to leave my 2014 BMW for something more suitable for my now big family. They assured me they only had new and expensive cars. Right after I told them I wanted something modest and in between my means! They made me wait and wait for a credit answer, I can see the manager not showing too much interest in me. I had visitors come into town and had leave. I asked for them to call me with an answer. I never received the call! Don't waste your time, these guys are a munch of buffoons. SCAM of a dealer if you ask me. Thanks Paul Blanco but no thanks! Worst experience ever.