This review is on the driving range. I have lived in Gilbert for 12 yrs. I have not been to the driving range at Western Skies for a couple of years. They now have grass targets to shoot at where it used to be dirt. The grass that you hit off of is about the length of the first cut of rough. I prefer grass that is shorter. The real kicker is the balls you are hitting. I paid ten dollars for a medium bucket of balls, maybe 50 to 60 balls in the bucket (about half the bucket was filled). The balls are so bad that it is almost pointless practicing with them. The balls are so old (they look like the same balls from eight years ago). About ten of the balls had CHUNKS of the ball missing. You lose anywhere from five to fifteen yards because of the poor condition of the balls.
I like the golf course because you pay for what you get, but I will never go back to the driving range due to the lack of investment in the infrastructure (balls) and price. The balls were horrible and so is the price. On the other hand, the practice greens are nice along with chipping area.