| - Sites like these exist so that consumers can be informed before utilizing a service. I would hate for someone else to unknowingly experience what I have gone through the last week. Ever since Dr Gardner left we have had new doctors to see, finally settling with Dr Gillespie at this location. I have seen him several times, and realized he has a much more aggressive approach. Many times I have left feeling a little "worked over" But due to their great payment structure, it is a good deal for me, so I have continued to go. Last Tuesday I went in for my usual adjustment, as he was doing the side adjustment, I felt something kind of twinge, but it was not unusual to be in a little pain after his adjustments , so he finished and I left. AS I went to get in my car and moved my right arm to put my purse over in the passenger seat, I got a very sharp pain in my right side. I hoped it was just a fluke thing , so I drove home. It became apparent that something was really wrong. SO I called Jaina and told her I thought maybe my rib was popped out or something , that I was in a lot of pain . She was very helpful as usual and suggested I come back in so he could try and fix it. I did, and as he tried to "massage" the area, IT was incredibly painful to the point that I was in tears. HE said it seemed as if he "irritated the intercostal nerve" . HE suggested I put ice on it, and if it was not better to come back tomorrow.
It was not better, but I certainly was not going to go back and go through that again.
I contacted the area manager Mark and explained what had happened. I told him I was not comfortable going back to Dr Gillespie, so he set it up for me to go be evaluated by another Dr at another location. I did that as well. This Dr was polite and professional and did a basic examination and said that he believes it is a "level 2 sprain" That without me paying to get get something such as a CAT scan, that was his best determination. I do not have the money for expensive diagnostic testing, that is what led me to the Joint was a cheaper price, but I guess you get what you pay for. HE explained that this kind of thing happens sometimes when doing manual manipulation. and that is why I signed the "informed consent" I do not ever remember signing anything that said I could walk away from an adjustment being injured, and have asked for a copy of that, but as of yet not received it. I also have seen chiropractors for years, and never been hurt.
The other Dr told me the good news was it would heal. Yes I suppose that is better than not healing, but that does not help that I am in pain now . I have difficulty doing most everything, as most movements require your abdominal muscles. I have even tried driving with only my left hand, but certain movements with my left arm even trigger that. I need help getting dressed and undressed.I have to modify how I brush my teeth as I cannot lean over the sink to rinse. Driving is a chore, I cannot vacuum or do my household chores. Almost everything I need to do is impacted due to the carelessness of this DR. And to top it all off Sleep is difficult making life pretty miserable. I am a mom of 6 kids, and now cannot really do much to take care of them, they are having to help take care of me.
All they can say is " here are a few free adjustments, and hope you get better ."
I don't think he intended to hurt me, but he did none the less, and I feel there should be a little more culpability when you hurt someone and screw up their life. I am having to go to my primary doctor so I can get something for the pain, and if any other treatments are needed I am stuck with that as well.
Don't get sucked in by the cheap pay structure. If the adjustments don't feel right to you. Don't do it, or you may end up like me with your holidays ruined because of being hurt.