Screw Conservatives idea of Planned Parenthood. It carries a pretty heavy stereotype as a abortion clinic and even though they provide this service - Planned Parenthood is one of the few places that works on a sliding scale (most helpful for annual exams) and offers affordable birth control.
So are you sans health insurance? When I was - Planned Parenthood charged me a reasonable and flexible amount for my exams once forked over a first time client fee. It differs based on income.
Plus, the staff is helpful, friendly, comforting and very knowledgeable.
Oh and!
Need a refill on your birth control but don't have contraceptive coverage? Or need birth control and are too afraid to get your parents' permission? Their out - of - pocket cost is one of the least expensive places in town for birth control.
Please don't blame me for turning your daughter on to the idea that she too can be sexually active and safe. We ARE living in 2007.