Decided to order grilled cheese and tomato soup for an after work entree. The grilled cheese was minimal and consisted of what appears to be oily, shredded monterrey jack cheese that they couldnt even cover half the sandwich with, 2 pieces of old, greasy, and the cheapest bacon I couldn't even buy from walmart, and almost stale sourdough bread. The "tomato soup" was horrible pizza sauce! I never thought it was possible to mess up grilled cheese and tomato soup, but I've been wrong before! I think you have to try extra hard to mess up food that bad! At what point in your life does an owner decide that they hate themselves that much that they want to make sure the rest of the world suffers?! I'm sure I'll suffer later for the few bites of canned food I ate, so I hope everyone else takes this as a warning! This could possibly be the worst food I've ever eaten!!!!