This store has a great selection of relatively inexpensive dresses, and a few other things. It's worth checking out. However, I have some issues with how they run this place:
1) It seems they engage in the deceptive practice of fake sales. They have permanent sale/clearance signs (I walk by every day...), and every item in the store always has a higher price crossed out with red marker and replaced by a "sale price." This is a pretty common ploy, it's meant to trick customers into thinking they're getting a good deal on an expensive high-quality garment, when in reality the sale price is the actual price, and reflects the quality. (It's hard to prove this is their intention, but seriously... nothing is NOT on sale, ever. And the dresses are mostly made in China and don't justify the $90-$100 original sticker prices.)
2) Sale items are final sale. Since everything is "on sale," this is just a disguised way of not allowing any returns or exchanges. It's worse since their change rooms are awkward and poorly-lit... you'd better be VERY sure of whatever you're buying before you pay.