I bought a groupon for a manicure and a pedicure. I thought it must be an upscale salon if they sell Avedan products. So I went to the appt. I was asked to pick out my polish from a glass case that was about knee high. When I opened the polish to see the color it was caked with dried polish. I was given the manicure first. This was a surprise. Usually you get your pedicure first. Ok I'll go with the flow. Well she never cut the cuticles around my finger nails and the polish was applied very uneven. When she was done with my nails she sprayed the tools with something and put them back on her station (is this the sterilization process)? I should of left at this point.
The pedicure started with my feet being placed into a bowl of warm water for no more a minute. No pumas stone was used. What a surprise. I'm not sure if this was the policy of the salon. But, I get a pedicure to have my feeling smooth. No cutting of the cuticles. The best thing of the pedicure was the warm towels and the massage. I was asked If I brought and sandals. I said "no, don't you have any of the throw away ones"? They did not. I would not return to the salon for any kind of services.