Let me preface this review by saying I've been coming here for over 4 years probably. Just see my tips and photo contribution to this place as proof.
I'm writing this review because I've noticed a trend. The trend indicates to me that this place is thinking too highly of themselves now and have clearly been cutting corners.
First is price. It seems like every time I come here the cost to my usual meal goes up by $0.25. I'm fine with that but my problem is the quality has clearly gone down. The meat isn't cooked as well anymore but I'm sure many people won't notice because it's so heavily season (the combination of spices is still wonderful) and people sometimes will use a lot of hot sauce. I remember it used to take a LONG time to get my meal because grilling meat to order will take a long time -- I'm fine with that. Now, the order flies out. Once, I ordered, went to the bathroom, came back and my order was already waiting (huh?). Other times the meat doesn't look like it's had enough go time on the grill because of the colour but the meat would be fully cooked and tough. This indicates some pre-cooking is being done.
The customer service is getting down right rude, I have noticed. Never with me though; I'm not picky and I don't request anything special, but I have seen it to others.
The greediness of the owner is definitely showing. Prior, you were able to get as many hot sauces as you like -- I once saw someone had 9 with their meal! (Y) I usually need two, which they've never refused me but I've noticed the last few times I've been here they've refused it to customers or they will be charged for it. Really?! Just now, as I'm writing this, someone got told that he wasn't allowed to have the "white sauce" (one used for salad) because he didn't order salad. The customer whispered a response that was presumably asking when they started doing this and the employee responded with last week. She gave him the sauce anyways and gave him a warning.
The rice and naan are still good. Nothing has changed there. Hard to screw with that though.
I've been coming here less frequently and I think that trend will continue.