98 minutes after i called, and finished eating something else - figuring, my food is not coming, my soggy Rosati's pizza arrives.
Extremely sub-par. Always has been.
Doesn't help that 2 years ago i swore i would never go back after i had a valid coupon and they just decided that day, ehhh were not honoring that.
Also came in for a slice and a soda at 1:14 pm once and noone was around. After i said hello? Someone in the back shouted! YYEeSSss????
Then proceeded to say
Sternly "no slices now" while drying his hands over a pizza he just removed from the oven.
I actually saw an instagram picture from someone who stayed at the four seasons of a cockroach in there bar area. Thats just crazy. You own a restaurant in troon north. Get your sh** together.