The best "natural foods" store in Madison with a big selection.
Best selection of locally grown fruits and vegetables, as well as a big emphasis on locally prepared products. I typically gravitate towards produce and dairy. The cheese selection has a strong emphasis on Wisconsin products and I stop by to get my local favorites--Caesar's string cheese and Batch Bakehouse demi baguettes.
Is the co-op more expensive than other stores? Yes. However, the price of locally foods compared to other stores is just about the same, and the large bulk aisle is great for savings. Bulk items include products that are more rare, such as shampoo, lotion, and olive oil. Wellness Wednesday every month offers a discount on all personal care and supplements. Bring your own grocery bag for a discount.
The parking complaints? Overrated. I have always been able to park in the parking lot. If the parking lot is full, street parking is free. There also appears to be an adequate amount of accessible parking. For most of us, walking a few extra feet is going to be fine!
Not my regular store, but if I'm in the area, I'll shop here for my premium foodstuffs.