I am not a fan of Sunridge Animal Hopital.
My biggest problem with these folks is their requirement to see a vet when dropping off your pet for boarding. To me this is a tactic to find services or medical needs of your pet to generate more revenue from your pets stay which in some respects is ok due to the fact that they are a business trying to make money and they may actually find something your pet needs. My problem is that they are NOT fast, it takes 15 to 45 minutes (usually closer to the later) to get in and out of there on a day that I'm already busy and anxious to get out of town.
They have poor record keeping. The last time we brought are dog in for a teeth cleaning they said she had an allergic reaction. When we took here in this week there was no documentation of the event. Of course they had no problem charging me for additional meds to prevent another allergic reaction.
Procedures always cost more than cost they were sold at. I dropped our dog off for a teeth cleaning that was sold to me at approx $150. I gave them permission to extract up to two teeth if needed for $15 to $55 per tooth. When I picked her up they had performed two "complicated" extractions at $55 a piece with several added medications which cost me a total of approx $360. I'm not saying she didn't need the extractions but in my opinion extracting two teeth from a 14 year old dog is excessive and unnecessary. Up charging has been a recurring practice.
They also do not call when they say they will. They have "forgotten" to give our pet complimentary bathes on several occasions. Their staff has made a rude comment about another customer re to me.
I'm finished with Sunridge Animal Hospital.