I had gone in to get a quote for my laptop to be repaired based off the positive yelps. I was quoted $350 for a new screen and he said he would try to repair my case for an additional $100. He said it would not look new but he might be able to roll out the damage in the case and glue the ends together. He also stated that if it was the right screen it would be $350, it may be more? He looked up parts on the screen based off my model number? I was thinking in my head, what do you mean if it's the right screen? Is this the setup to say oh it's not the right screen, it's going to be $50 more? I had no confidence in his ability to fix my computer. Why would he try and roll out my case and not replace it?
I went back into Best Buy where I purchased the laptop and they quoted me $350 to replace the upper and lower case and the screen. They also stated they would be HP factory parts! Something these guys didn't state, only that the screen may or may not be right? Really?
All I can say is I felt comfortable leaving my laptop with the company I bought it from. Be careful and ask about price and parts up front. Verify authenticity of replacement parts. I definitely would not have been happy having my computer repaired with non factory parts and pieced together like Frankenstein! Worst of all paying too much for a hack job! I would get another quote from someone else before you leave your computer here!