| - As indicated by just about everyone else here - large, delicious roti. The perfect cure for plugged sinuses as well as hunger.
The place itself is quite small - a smattering of tables, and not really meant for eating in. You're best to phone ahead with your order, as there will be a wait, and if you're taking more than a couple of people, don't count on sitting. If it's sit-down you're interested in, head out to Queen and Lansdowne for Mother India - same food, same people, sit down. I know certain others (*cough* Kat *cough*) strongly prefer the full service there, but as Dude Visiting from the Suburbs, I prefer to stay close to the downtown core for reasons of "catching my damned train".
As others have noted on the flavour: they bring the noise. Medium is damned hot, and I can't see myself ordering a Hot anytime soon. Even then, the flavour can, and does, vary from night to night - on my most recent trip, I swear they were trying to get rid of some spices before they expired or something - not far above and beyond what I'm used to here, but certainly noticeable. Also, as an avowed meat eater, I think it's fairly strong praise to say I would eat - and have eaten - their non-meat meals. Even the potato roti, the flavour is all there.
If you're in there, watch for the discounted day-old roti, from what I can only assume is the orders of people who got fed up with the wait. I managed to save a couple of bucks on an immensely satisfying, if coma-inducing, lunch for the next day on my last trip.
Closed weekends, so head down to Mother India if you get a hankerin' on a day starting with S.