| - Judy Perly, the owner of Free Times Cafe, stopped in her tracks when she saw me. I glanced behind me. No, it was definitely me who'd caused that response.
"You," she said, inhaling deeply, "look so much like an old friend of mine." I got the impression that the friend was deceased---if she was a Catholic (like me), I'm almost certain she would've crossed herself---and I just sort of smiled and nodded. She shook herself, took me to my table, asked me where I was from, and told me the history of "Bella! Did Ya Eat?," Free Times' Sunday brunch, which is so named in honor of Judy's grandmother, who made sure everyone had a full plate.
I'm a vegetarian and was concerned about a potentially limited selection, but there were tons of veg-friendly food from which to choose. The latkes, blintzes, and array of fresh fruits are amazing. The coffee is good, the service is excellent, and the live, traditional Jewish music is so rad, I could barely stand it. It's just a fun and upbeat place for brunch. Come hungry and fill your plate with goodness.
Before I left, Judy stopped me again and asked, "your name isn't Helena, is it?" I nearly shat myself. "What did you say??" I said, grabbing her arm. "Your name isn't Irene, is it?" she repeated, and I let out the breath I'd been holding. That would've been just too uncanny.