| - My favorite out of the 99 cent store chains that I have been to. This particular store, I like to get my produce that I cook up for the week. Today's steal was a bag of bell peppers (red, yellow, orange) a Costco pack for, yes, you guessed it 99 cents!! They also had asparagus, strawberries, and pomegranate, and no they weren't overripe or bad. In fact just sampled what I bought and it was yum!
I love getting my spices, brown rice, steel cut oats, whole wheat bread, whole wheat tortilla, veggies, and canned fish here. So yes you can eat healthy on a budget. When you want to splurge...then stack up on your brand name candies here, too! I also purchase my office supplies, holiday decorations and grab bags. The list goes on and on.
Seriously, I can always find some name brand products here, but it sometimes depends on what shipment they get. It's doesn't necessarily stay the same. So those that particularly look for products, just because you find it another 99 cent store doesn't mean you'll find it here. I imagine it like a Ross store, you just kind of have to dig around for some great finds.
After shopping at this chain, you can't go shopping without saying, "I can get that at the 99 cent store"
Lastly, This is in the East side so it is a bit rough around the edges outside, in fact there were homeless in the front soliciting money today. that was my first time seeing this. i shop here at least once a week. Once your inside you should be good, it's actually a well organized shop for all the little knick knacks they carry. Yes, they sometimes only have about one or two cashiers at a time. Bargain shopping,'s worth the little wait, probably less than 5 minutes even. It's not a convenient store.
My fiancé will tell you this store is one of my top places to shop.