My daughter called me and told me that my grandson fell and hit his head on the concrete. She was going to go to the usual emergency room at a nearby hospital. Since, I had just been in the emergency room at that particular hospital; I advised her to go to this Dignity Health Urgent Care. At that time, it had 5 stars; in a sea of 2 and 3 star ERs. There was no question that she needed to take my grandson there. Sure enough, it was a quick visit, in and out in 2 hours; plus he was well cared for. That's compared to my 12 hours in the emergency room at our usual ER. I'm not going to name the hospital, because my Mom taught me that if you don't have anything good to say...don't say it. Plus, our old ER is one of the top 10 busiest ERs in the country. So, I'm going to cut them some slack. Anyway, if you want to be treated quickly and well, then Dignity Health Urgent Care is your ER to visit.