| - Worst. "Shellac." "Manicure." Ever. Avoid this bogus place. I moved to madison and have been looking for a nail salon to call home. I bought 2 groupons, one to Rockabetty and another for this place. I got two amazing shellac manicures there but still had a Groupon for this place, which I decided to use last weekend. It was for a standard mani pedi and on the phone when I scheduled my appointment, they mentioned it would be an upcharge for removal and another for the shellac. I said OK, assuming that meant it was changed to shellac manicure. When I showed up, there was no record of it, so I said again, I need a removal and shellac. By the time I got to the manicurist, she didn't know anything about it - and she did a rushed and crummy job of it. First, i was given the choice of only 5 colors (really?) and there was no base coat, no top coat. It has been two days and it is already wearing and chipping. Not to mention that I have been growing my nails and she filed them down after asking what shape I wanted, my saying I wanted square, and her saying they could only be round and my agreeing to round - not none, but round.
And the free drink? I asked for tea, was presented with a Moscato about 10 minutes later, and when I said no I wanted a tea, was told it would be a couple more minutes -- only after reminding them, I got a tea only when my nails were soaking and I couldn't drink it them.
Utter crap. My nails look awful, all the progress I made growing them is gone, and I can't believe I tipped for this garbage. I will never ever ever ever ever go back to this crappy place. Ever.