I went in at 940 am the morning of april 13 i had a wedding to go to so i needed a fill and a wax . Well the guy asked me what did i need and i told him and he said only put your name down for the fill we will take u now for the wax. I said ok and i waited well after so long i sat down and then a guy walks up and gos over the list and then yells at me for not puting my name on the wax list i told him your guy their told me not too . So wtf . Then my brows get done and i go sit back down a while later i finnaly get called for a fill thank god well so i thought . As im letting the lady do them i notice 3 people who came in after me are leaving be for me . Really. So i get on the phone with my mom and have to cancel due to her takeing her sweet a** time. So she trys to calm me down and gos to say im always late 30 to 45 min to work im sorry i was late. Well if thats the case she needs to get up early and leave early to get to work on time . Then i pick out a pastel pink color and she argues with me on why do i want that its so light . Well just so happens my sister had the same color on too as that was not even planned . Just shows the type of wedding we were going to . thanks to her my whole day was ruined and barley made it to my brothers wedding because of her. . Never go here unless u have the whole day to blow in a whole in the wall shop