I own Success One Realty and have started using pride Termite Approximately four years ago. And if anyone knows anything about termites in Arizona there are three kinds of homes, homes that have termites, homes that have had termites and homes that will have termites.
Pride Termite offers an amazing FIVE YEAR WARRANTY with their treatments. It wasn't until today that I needed pride Termite to come out and spot treated the home they treated two years ago for my client. There's never a time to where a termite company can get 100% of the termites 100% of the time but what is unusual is the fact I gave a simple phone call, then immediately I had an appointment within just a couple days and Pride Termite came out and retreated the affected areas. No hassle, I did not have to dig up paperwork to prove that they treated my clients home, they just simply looked into their records found it immediately and scheduled the retreat all in five minutes or less. No stress no drama! Hallelujah!! Warrantees are useless unless companies are willing to stand behind them and I've had nothing but good experiences in the past four years with many of the homes I've needed treated for clients. Thank you so much Pride Termite for the fantastic service with amazing prices!