I'm not too sure who owns the place but Jason is my main point of contact. I'm a renter and the owner is a management company with very poor reviews. Jason has generally been very good at keeping up with me even though his responsibilities lie with the management company. I've met quite a few people in the period of time that I have been living at my current place. They have kept me informed throughout most of the process and I understand they are pretty busy I can just tell they are slightly rushed which could be good if it's because their services are in demand or not if they just can't handle the load. They've fixed the pool light and the spotlight and even went out of their way to put a blue On the pool light to give it that blue color even though the management company probably didn't authorize it. I'm sure it came out of their own pocket. The company installed a brand-new heater for my pool and spa. I only take away one star because a few things were missed and it was a little inconvenient. I'm sure if I were the owner I would get much better attention but I don't expect much for being a renter. Congratulations on being a decent company to work with. Keep up the good work.