| - Failed attempt at getting a crepe lead my sister and I over here with some hot beverages and the want to satisfy our sweet tooth. In hindsight, walking into an establishment with foreign goods is not very polite. Cringing to myself, the lady behind the counter did not even bat an eyelash. Secondly, we ordered some Zepolles and that was it. Yet again, no attitude or put off demeanor. That has put them many points ahead of other places I have visited and accidentally overlooked these courtesies.
Now on to the important part, fried dough is a passion of mine. That, my love of ice cream and my parents cooking probably explains why I weighed 270 pounds at one point in my life. With these golden morsels, I could probably eat myself back to that state if I am not careful. They have the same texture as Chinese doughnuts. Airy on the inside, crunchy exterior, nice give when bitten into, and then covered in a copious amount of powder sugar. Those attributes should be enough to get people in the door, but then the price and seemingly endless amount only makes the deal that much better. $3.26 was the damage and a large bowl was what came out. DING DING DING! We got a winner. I want to come back for dinner one night, but would be happy in just coming here for this delicious dessert item.