Worst customer service ever received. First time here. Bought the mother daughter groupon deal, had to wait over 6 weeks for an available appointment which is understandable. Arrived 15 minutes early for 10:00 appointment. Business hours during the week open at 10? Not sure how they keep appointments on time or fulfill the entire amount for the paid services. We were approached by the employee who quickly informed us they did not have a receptionist "again" today. We completed paperwork and same employee then asked if we were both booked for an appointment because only one of us were on the schedule and she was the only one there. I was very clear when booking the appointment it was for the groupon and confirmed with them that it was for both. They supposedly took down both names. No apology offered, the employee then proceeded to tell us this sort of thing happens all the time there and that is why she was giving her 2 weeks notice today. Wth? Can't get us in for another 2 weeks. She said she contacted the shop's owner and was told to handle it. I asked if there was a business card for the owner so I could contact directly to discuss. Was told no and not offered her name.
Will be cancelling appointment that was rescheduled as we certainly don't want disgruntled employees providing services. Luckily we will be refunded the purchase price through groupon.