I went to ghost bar on Sunday night after leaving Bank. It was already kind of late and it was a Sunday..and so it wasn't crowded. The inside area was nice...it wasn't anything amazing but it was kinda cool. It had a very relaxed atmosphere compared to that of other places. The outside area was the best part. The view was SOOOO gorgeous. It was really windy though...not good the hair but still awesome! Ghost bar was probably the only place where the people would actually have conversations with you with out saying something totally disgusting and rude. The music wasn't that great but there really weren't many people dancing anyway. I really liked how there were tables and chairs that didn't require bottle service. A girl really needs to sit after three hours in heels! Oh also the little piece of glass floor was so amusing. Ghost bar was a great place if you want to just hang out and enjoy a view...but probably not if you want to "get crazy" and dance.