| - Wifee has a big party with work honchos coming to the house. We have 2 mutts, Ozzy who is perfect and Murphy, 7 months old and just about to flunk Petsmart Dog School. Crazy puppy.
Wifee says " Puppy will bark at the guests, snatch their food and probably pee on the coats", " but,but,but " I reply forcefully .....she's right, again, I need to board the dogs.
I check around and visit a few places and this place looks great. Super clean, great parking, dog suites with tvs. Spiffy!
They insist on documentation for vaccines, a good thing, and they sell me a package. Pay for 10 days and get 3 days free.
Drop off the doggies on Saturday afternoon, they happily head into the doggie play area without looking back! Sniff.
Pick up the next day, 9-11am on Sundays and my beloved mutts come running out barking at me and making me feel guilty for leaving them. What's this? They are clean and fluffy! They bathe the dogs after boarding! How nice.
Nice place, friendly staff and my pooches leave happy and clean. I like it.
Oh yeah....wifee threw a good party and with no doggies in the house I got to sleep in. Wouldl it be wrong to board the doggies every weekend? Just asking.........