So I can't say too much this place. Went to Vegas and part of the reason we wanted to go there was because they were doing a tribute (if you will) to San Diego. A band or radio station was there (not exactly sure). Well, first of all, during the day we went to find out the cover and dress code so we would be appropriate. Well, they gave us tickets to get in free (which we were stoked about) but he said there wasn't specific dress code. So we got there around 10:20 to get in line and the guy told us that we were out of dress code and wouldn't be allowed in. So, we never ended up iside (I'm not disappointed by that). Also, its club ROK right, not club HIP HOP. Well, we were in the casino (right outside the club) and could hear the music they were playing all night long. Well I have my radio stationed to ROCK 105.3 in San Diego constantly, so I have a pretty good idea of what popular rock songs should be played. I didn't hear one song that was rock. Nothing but hip hop and rap. Stupidest shit I have ever heard. I'm sure people who like hip hop and rap love this place but if you are into rock and expect to hear that you will be severely disappointed.