| - We enrolled our son in August 2016. I had planned to be a work-at-home mom, but my son was bored and a great job fell into my lap. After numerous recommendations from mom friends, we toured the facility and got the price sheet. We never went elsewhere. It's on our routes to work, clean, safe, and fun. The teachers (most of them) are kind, pleasant, and genuinely care about his well-being. We hope to keep him at this CK location until he reaches Kindergarten.
He was already advance, knowing his alphabet and numbers to 10 before he started there at 18 months old, but I felt he was behind in socialization and language. Now he gets to learn how to play with others, how to interact with adults who are not his parents, and they do so many fun art projects! We get an email once a week telling us what they will be singing, learning, and doing. Letters, shapes, colors, numbers, and an overall theme. It's really cute, actually.
At first, I was extremely apprehensive about daycare as he is my old child. He is very happy when he arrives at school in the mornings and on a lot of days, takes off to join his friends without a hug goodbye. We love Ms. Jessica, Ms. Jasmine, Ms. Brenda, and Ms. Kathleen. They've taken really good care of him.