| - First off, I have been using Yelp on a regular basis for the past 6 years to learn about prospective restaurants, music venues, hair salons, etc. In all of those years, I've never had such a mind-blowing experience that I felt the need to actually create a profile and write a review.....until now. Jabz Boxing is the establishment that pushed me over the brink. It's too cool of a place to not share with others!
Background: I've been an avid runner and sports participant since I was a kid, but never really got into lifting weights or working with all of those medicine/kettle/exercise balls. Now, I'd be lying if I said I didn't envy all of those "Try these 7 tricks for a strong core" articles that are staples to pretty much every Women's Health or Cosmo magazine. However, I had no interest in (or room for) buying all of that random equipment.... or holding myself to doing timed intervals of each exercise, for that matter.
Enter Jabz....
A fun, challenging and effective workout....already set up in a clean, modern gym. With great music! Talk about a dream come true.
The 3 trainers (Len, Kim and Katie) are the most down-to-earth, fun and motivating people you will ever meet. They create an environment that you want to experience every day. It's not a chore to go to this gym.... it's something you actually look forward to. You know, like a non-alcoholic Happy Hour that makes you sweat. ;) The workout is different every day, but is always a fluid sequence of exercises designed to effectively work specific areas of the body.
In conclusion, I would HIGHLY recommend this gym to any woman... of any age....and any fitness level. Not only will you develop bad-ass muscles, but confidence and friendships as well.