My first experience was fine but I had to return for a follow up two years later. I was running late and called to see if I should reschedule. They said they would move me to another time slot and I was ok to come in. I arrived and the receptionist was helping another person and by the time she called me up she said "you are halfway into your appointment time and I will have to fit you in. We will have to take scheduled patients so we don't get behind." I was shocked because it was 5 min past the time I was supposed to be there 1:30 and I had been waiting that long as she was helping another patient. She then further explains that time slots are only 15 min and it is 7 min past. I said ok whatever. The woman in front of me went right in and was out by 1:50. Another woman was 15 min early for her appointment and they took her at 2pm on the dot. She was there with another woman who had a 2:30 and arrived right before she went in. Clearly, they could have put me in at 1:50 and no one would of known any different. I asked the receptionist if they were going to take everyone who came in in front of me. She was very snotty and seriously took pleasure in annoying me. She said I told you this and we only have one tech. She had no idea when I would get in. Interesting that they had two women there at the same time and only one tech but somehow that is my fault. I had called to make sure I was still ok to come in. 30 min to get there and sitting there for another 40 min, I was not happy. I told her if this was what was communicated on the phone, I would have rescheduled. She snidely asked me if i wanted to reschedule and I was pretty upset, I said "no...cancel my appointment" and left. Getting a mammogram sucks, and creates anxiety no matter who you are. Having a receptionist with a bad attitude should probably not be in your best business practices. I have had better customer service at McDonalds! I won't be back.