Having a new puppy requires lots of supplies and lots of cash if you shop at Petsmart. I like Petsmart and will still go there for food and grooming, but our dog trainer told us about Ryan's and my first visit made me a fan.
I was unsure at first and had to ask about the "rules" like no purses allowed- they lock em up in a cage behind the registers and give you a number to retrieve them later. Also there's a $25 minimum so don't go unless you need a few things. And the catalog is king. Prices aren't marked on items only listed in the catalog.
I shopped blind (just got what I wanted without consulting the catalog) and spent a little more than I had anticipated, but it would have been a heckova lot more at any retail pet place. I grabbed a catalog to look through for next time and felt pretty good about my future with Ryan's.