I took my son for a required psychiatric evaluation. He meet with a nurse practitioner. The practitioner took us directly to the waiting room of Dr. Okeke owner of the practice. We waited a long time. When we were finally called back to the office, the Dr. asked me why were there. I explained the problems. He then turned his attention to my son and said, "He is not going to listen." This was because a teenage boy had in his headphones ? Isn't this the reason we were in his office to begin with? The Dr. needed to do an evaluation, but he stood up and ended our session. Just like that, "This session is over.". I thought that psychiatrists were supposed to be able to get their patients to communicate and try to find out what the problems are. Perhaps I'm wrong. Doing this to anyone with mental instabilities could only do them harm, if not to the patient, to the ones trying to help.