All I wanted was a side of sprouts. I had just spent $30.00 on sandwiches. I was still in the store (with the sandwiches in a bag in my hands) when I remembered that I was supposed to put sprouts in one of the sandwiches. So I asked (very politely) if I couple have a side of sprouts. I was informed that this was not possible. Not POSSIBLE? They didn't have to have a little cup to put it in; they could have just wrapped the sprouts in the middle of a piece of paper and I would have been happy. When I asked why I couldn't have the side of sprouts, I was informed that it was company policy to put the toppings ONLY on sandwiches, not given out individually. I have gotten sides in every sandwich place I've ever been to. Which is why I'll be going to those other places to buy my sandwich next time. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THIS HARD?