Moved to this zip code just three days ago. And turns out, Fresh and Easy was only 5 minutes walk from my house and this is by FAR the best store I've found in my neighborhood. (BANZAI!!!)
All their seafood, veggies, fruits, and prepackaged meals are great but the one thing I absolutely love about this place is the Today's Special section. Bascially it's 50% off on selected products that is near the due date, but still not quite. Though it is discount for an extremely cheap price! Like two days ago, when I went to see what was their Today's Special products, I see ginger soy shrimp salad for $.60 and the original price was $3.99. I thought to myself, what a steaaaaaal! So from then on, I get my 5 minute exercise every day in hopes of finding something delicious, healthy and cheap. (And I always do. :D)
Did I also mention the employees are always super friendly and smiley everytime they see you? It's amazing to find a neighborhood market that have great quality products and workers that just makes my grocery shopping experience that much better.