These are simply the BEST sandwiches and salads. If you like your food (a) locally grown; (b) freshly made; (c) organic/all natural; and (d) yummy - and who doesn't? - this is the place for you.
Now, admittedly they have something of a soup-nazi routine set up and if you walk in and don't know the drill, it can be confusing. So pay attention:
1. Look at menu.
2. Decide what you want.
3. Wait your turn to order.
4. Order (give your name).
5. Wait your turn to be called to pay the other girl for the order you placed.
6. Pay her.
7. Wait until your food is ready.
8. Leave with your food.
Note that there is no place to sit inside - so you can either sit outside, or, (if it is 157 degrees out that day), see if you can find a place to sit over at LUX, they are very welcoming of Pane Bianco diners.
It's all good.